What Causes Low-Pressure Readouts In Your Plumbing Setup?
One of the worst things you could ever deal with is low water pressure. A lack of water pressure makes it harder to get water to the washing machine, dishwasher, shower, or
We can help you with fixing low-pressure problems in your plumbing system. However, let’s take a peek at what causes these issues to develop in the first place.
Let’s look at what might cause your home to experience water pressure issues These are all problems that are commonplace and ones that we can help you with fixing.
Water Meter Valve Issues
Your water meter valve might not be all the way open. A slight seal will obstruct the natural flow of water, thus preventing the water from moving accordingly.
The valve is next to the water meter on the central city supply pipe. The pipe is responsible for providing your home with water. The valve may close off over time or after home renovations. Also, the valve may not be open at an angle parallel to the water pipe.
Pressure Regulator Problems
The pressure regulator is a control valve that identifies the input pressure in your plumbing. The unit will reduce the stress and ensure that the total won’t damage your pipes. However, over time, the regulator might malfunction and keep the pressure down at a total much lower than what your home can afford to handle on its own.
The Pipes Are An Issue
If you live in an older home it may be the piping system altogether. A galvanized steel pipe can age and erode to the point where the flow of water will become restricted.
The added scale will eventually close off the pipe, thus keeping water from moving accordingly. In this case, you would have to replace the pipes throughout your home. Pipe replacement is often a hassle, but it may be a necessity if you live at an old home.
What Is the Best Pressure Total?
The rule of thumb for water pressure in your home is to keep the total at 52 to 75 pounds per square inch. The total should be enough to help move water through evenly. We can help you to test out the total pressure level to see what’s working for you.
We can help you with testing the water pressure to see if you need help. We want to assist you in getting the water you require.