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January 29, 2016by Lasiter & Lasiter

shower head running The problem: Waiting for hot water! Do you have to wait 30 seconds or more for hot water to arrive at your shower or faucets? If you do, a Hot Water Recirculating System can bring you convenience and savings, giving you hot water instantly at every faucet or shower when you need it.

Energy down the drain! The average family of four wastes up to 17,000 gallons of water each year just waiting for hot water to arrive. A hot water re-circulation system system eliminates waste and provides the luxury and convenience of instant hot water. It pays for itself through reduced water and sewer charges and reduced water heating costs.

How it Works…
In a conventional system with a central water heater, any cold water standing in the pipes between the heater and the point-of-use is dumped down the drain as hot water travels from the heater. In a demand recirculating system, when the system is activated the pump starts recirculating cooled water that’s been sitting in the hot water line and sends it back to the water heater through the cold water line. When the water reaches a desired temperature a control turns off the pump. This process is similar to turning on the hot water faucet and letting the water run until it gets hot, but instead of the water going down the drain, it is simply returned back to the water heater—saving energy and water.

In an integrated loop system, hot water is re-circulated intermittently. Hot water is returned to thpiggy bank e water heater through the cold water pipes. This process raises the temperature of the cold water slightly, but it returns to the usual cold temperature in a short time.

Big Savings for a Small Expense. Lasiter & Lasiter Plumbing installs hot water recirculatingsystems starting at $600. We can provide you with a free estimate at your convenience. The system can even be installed the same day.

For more information or to schedule your free estimate Call 817-589-1678 today!

January 29, 2016by Lasiter & Lasiter

When disposing of starch-rich foods, always dispose in small amounts at a time and run with cool water!


Keep disposer and water running for 30 to 60 seconds after the waste matter has cleared your drain. The waste still has a distance to go. Cold water keeps the motor, bearings and shredder assembly from overheating. It also lets the waste go down easier because the water is pushing it down.

January 29, 2016by Lasiter & Lasiter

Here are some great tips from our friends at Rinnai for saving money, and ‘Going Green!’

Greenify with Rinnai

homeWith fuel prices on the rise, people are looking for numerous methods to save on utilities. Rinnai has already generated up to 40% in energy cost savings with your tankless water heater. Additional basic, eco-friendly practices will further reduce your carbon footprint and your utility bill.

1. The Heat Is On (Efficiently): Replace kerosene and electric heaters with a Rinnai Direct Vent Furnace. These units deliver warmth and comfort, along with savings over their counterparts. Sealed combustion minimizes indoor heat loss and ensures safety.

2. Bright Idea: Switch to compact florescent light bulbs (CFLs) that use about 20% of the power needed by incandescent bulbs of equivalent luminosity and last six to 10 times as long. Though more expensive, CFLs save more than five times their average price over their life-span. Mercury-containing CFLs require special recycling and careful handling if broken. Brighter idea: Convert to light-emitting diodes (LEDs) that will illuminate for 100,000 hours.

3. Make Your Temperature: Save energy in winter by setting the thermostat to 68°F while awake and lower by several degrees when sleeping or away from home. By turning the thermostat back 10° to 15° for eight hours, you’ll save about 5% to 15% annually on heating. Apply the same idea in summer by keeping the thermostat at 78°F while at home and warmer when out. Synch to Your Schedule: Programmable thermostats will adjust the internal climate to your schedule to avoid any discomfort upon waking or returning home.

4. Plug the Drain: Avoid sapping energy by plugging TVs, DVD players, DVRs, and more into power strips that may be turned off when not use. Electronics can consume significant wattage an hour even when not in use. When you travel, make sure you unplug appliances like coffee makers and cell phone chargers. Change the Channel: If you have a plasma TV, consider switching it to an LCD flat screen that uses less energy.

5. Fan Favorite: Install ceiling fans to drive down a cool breeze and air-conditioning costs by as much as 40% in summer. In winter, reverse their direction for savings of up to 10% on heating by circulating warm air from the ceiling to the floor. Remember to adjust your thermostat accordingly. Which way? Generally, most ceiling fan switches should be in the down position in summer for a counter clockwise spin and up in the winter, turning clockwise to send more comfortable air out and down.

6. The Missing Leak: Locate and seal off air leaks. Window and door frames, floorboard and wall intersections, fireplace dampers, mail slots, doggie doors, and anywhere weather stripping is lined should be examined with a wet hand or lit incense stick for detecting cool air drafts. Caulk for small leaks works well while expanding foam fills in larger openings. Install insulation for major exposure. Out the Window: Add solar shades on exterior of windows for more insulation or replace older windows altogether with high-efficiency, multiple-barrier windows that reduce heating and cooling costs by 25%.

7. Floored! Install hardwood floors instead of carpets manufactured with petrochemicals. Good flooring helps keep good air quality. Select a sustainably grown and harvested wood, like bamboo, that has been cultivated specifically for commercial use in areas that preserve natural habitats, or think about reclaimed wood.

8. Burn recycled wood logs. If fumes from traditional sawdust and wax logs, which often contain petroleum and paraffin, give you the chills, try logs made of 100% recycled materials for organic warmth.

January 29, 2016by Lasiter & Lasiter

To be a successful company every organization needs a leader with vision, drive, and adavid and cindy lasiter commitment to hard work. Lasiter & Lasiter Plumbing was established by David Lasiter in 1974, but the journey to be an entrepreneur exhibiting those qualities began long before that.
I recently sat down with Mr. Lasiter to hear the details of that journey.

MG: When did you go into the plumbing industry?

DL: I started at age 13 as a worker in the warehouse for Pettyjohn Plumbing during the summer. During my junior and senior years in high school, I went out into the field to be a plumber’s helper through a work program at school. College was a busy time for me going to class from 7a.m. to 12 p.m. then working from noon till my work was done for the day.

MG: Did you always know you wanted to own your own company?

DL: Yes- I always wanted to be my own boss.

MG: Your bio states that you began your company in 1974 with $100 in your pocket and your tools in the back of your 1972 Monte Carlo. What was the vision you had for Lasiter & Lasiter as a 20 year old business owner?

DL: I wanted to be the biggest, baddest plumber in town! As I have grown older I have changed that desire to be an honest businessman providing quality service.

MG: How many employees did you have in the beginning?

DL: I was a one man show until 1975 when I hired an apprentice. My grandmother helped me out volunteering to be my receptionist.

MG: Was the company name always Lasiter & Lasiter?

DL: Yes… originally I chose that name to represent my wife and I. In 1978 my dad, Charlie Lasiter, obtained his license and joined me. He retired in 1999.

lasiter family portrait MG: Construction has had many ups and downs. How have you remained an industry leader during those unsure times?

DL: Quality workmanship and service has always been a core value of mine. I also enjoy a good working relationship with my builders. First and foremost however, I know without a doubt that God is in control and I have given my business to him.

MG: What do you see ahead for Lasiter & Lasiter?

DL: I see a focus on residential repair and remodeling in addition to the new construction we have always had. Our commitment to service and meeting our customer’s needs are going to be our first priority!

January 29, 2016by Lasiter & Lasiter

lasiter welcome We are happy to announce the launch of our blog and a newly redesigned website! The new site is easy to use and offers great information about our services.

This blog is another way for us to keep our current and future customers up to date on the latest Lasiter & Lasiter Plumbing company updates, special promotions, seasonal plumbing information and product related news.

We are family-owned and operated, and have been serving the Metroplex for 35+ years. Our mission is to provide the highest quality plumbing service with a steadfast commitment to honesty, quality and timeliness for every customer.

We serve Dallas, Fort Worth and all surrounding communities! Some services we provide are: 24-hour emergency plumbing service, clogged drain removal, repairing or replacing fixtures and leaks, and water heater installation, just to name a few. Don’t forget, you can also keep in touch with us on Facebook and Twitter.



Lasiter & Lasiter Plumbing

For more than 45 years, we’ve been serving Dallas – Fort Worth and surrounding communities with outstanding workmanship and high-quality plumbing services, at affordable prices, on each and every service call.

TX Master Plumbers Lic#: M-8331


Trusted Plumber


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