To Trench or Not to Trench

Great strides have been made in recent years with respect to the plumbing industry. Along with durable new material and product selections, technology has made an entrance to seemingly provide more accurate and simpler inspections and repairs. However, there may still be times when the modernized technology of trenchless repair doesn’t take the place of tried and true trenching.

We Can Help You Decide on the Best Route for You.
Whether Your Pipes Call for trenchless or Trenched Repair, Our Experts Have Got You Covered.

Pipes Are Too Damaged

At times, your underground pipes may be too damaged to use a non-trenching method. Damages, like caved in piping or pipes with large or multiple cracks, will need to be replaced using traditional trenching methods.

Too Expensive

Typically, trenchless repair methods are more costly than trenching. However, when you add in the repair of your landscape, driveway, or sidewalk, the expenses usually even out. When the upfront cost is more than you can handle, trenching methods can be used for a more affordable repair.

Pipes Are Too Old

Typical steel water delivery pipes are meant to last for 20-40 years. This means that as they begin to approach the end of their timeline, they could begin to have serious problems. Usually when dealing with aged pipes, your plumbing professional will recommend a complete replacement, which will call for trenching.

Shallow Pipes in Low-Impact Areas

Sometimes, the pipe that needs to be replaced is simply in an area that doesn’t need heavy landscaping. When your pipes are shallow and in areas of low traffic, trenching can be an affordable method for quickly and effectively repairing your pipes.

If you’re unsure of which method will be best to repair your underground pipes, call the [nw_data field=company] experts. We can help you decide on the most beneficial technique to complete your repairs. Call us today at __PHONE__.


Lasiter & Lasiter Plumbing

For more than 45 years, we’ve been serving Dallas – Fort Worth and surrounding communities with outstanding workmanship and high-quality plumbing services, at affordable prices, on each and every service call.

TX Master Plumbers Lic#: M-8331


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